Meet The Brand New dandi® pad!

The team here at dandi London are very excited to bring you our latest innovative product, the 'dandi pad'. The dandi pad is a brand new product that we have been developing over the last year, in line with the feedback from our customers, so we can bring you products that solve your real-life problems. We hope you are as excited as we are!
So let’s get into a bit of the background of the product itself. The dandi pad came about based upon feedback we had received from our customers and people interested in our brand. From this feedback the dandi pad was created, trialled and tested vigorously to make sure that it was in line with our high standards, therefore being perfect for our customer base!
So now I hear you asking, how does the dandi pad actually work and how is it going to solve my underarm sweat problem? So, the dandi pad is a sweat pad that binds to the inside of the clothing rather than the underarm itself. By peeling back the top layer of the pad, the adhesive is exposed, you can then bind the product to the inside of your shirt or item of clothing, providing all day dryness to both yourself and your clothing.
During our testing for the pad, we found that it can absorb up to 1000x the average amount of natural sweat that the human underarm can produce on a daily basis; therefore making the pad an extremely innovative and useful accessory to have in your armoury.
Comfort was at the forefront of our product trialling resulting in the new dandi pad having the softest cotton feel, allowing the user to relax and forget the product is even there! The pad is also extremely flexible once bound to the clothing, allowing for free movement throughout your busy day. The image below illustrates exactly how the pad would attach to your clothing, this along with product instructions will feature on the reverse of the packaging.
As we strive to continue producing innovative products that help you with your underarm sweating problems, we are very excited to see your reaction to our latest product and we hope that as a brand we can continue to assist you!
Discover more and shop the brand new dandi pad!