Foods That Reduce Sweating | Stop Excessive Sweating

If you feel like you are sweating too much then adjusting your diet may be able to help. Below we have a selection of food suggestions to help reduce the amount you sweat…
Cheese, yoghurt and milk
By including foods such as these in your diet you will help reach your daily intake of calcium. Calcium is an important mineral to help your body maintain its optimum temperature, resulting in you sweating less. Try to choose low-fat versions as these will be easier for your body to breakdown helping to reduce sweat even further.
Melon, strawberries, cucumber, lettuce and courgette
Keeping your body hydrated is one of the easiest ways to keep your body cool and stop sweat. This means that drinking your 8 glasses of water a day should be a top priority. Fruits and vegetables can also help keep you hydrated. Watermelon and strawberries contain approximately 92% water volume topping the most hydrating fruits list. Cucumber and lettuce contain 96% water volume making them the most hydrating vegetables and they’re quickly followed by courgette with 95%.
Wild salmon, beef and eggs
These foods are a great component of a healthy balanced diet that will help reduce excessive sweating as they contain all of the eight B vitamins. The B vitamin complex helps your body work effortlessly by keeping the nervous system healthy, aiding the digestive system and boosting the immune system.
Olive oil
Olive oil is filled with antioxidants and it’s easy for your digestive system to process. Therefore, when you next need to reach for the oil then choose olive oil.
Spinach, almonds and pumpkin seeds
Almonds and pumpkin seeds make a fulfilling mid-afternoon snack and spinach is great raw in a salad, cooked in a stir-fry or as a side dish with fish. These foods have made our list as they are high in magnesium which helps with metabolic and nerve functioning. People that sweat a lot tend to have lower levels of magnesium. Therefore, it is important to ensure you are eating magnesium-rich foods.
We hope there are some suggestions here that are not currently in your diet and will help you reach a healthier balanced meal plan tailored more to your sweating needs.
You may also find that swapping to dandi patch as your sweat solution will be better for you. Find out more about how dandi patch is different to antiperspirant and deodorant and how it can guarantee no sweat marks!