A New Hope In Armpit Confidence

Today we have a guest blog post by Sara Marsden-Shreeve from the Image Tree. Sara specialises in colour, style and confidence consultancy. Take it away Sara…
I don’t know about you but I’m loving this Mediterranean weather, it just keeps coming. I know, I know talking about the weather is very British but hey, it’s so diverse from day to day, it’s literally all we have to talk about and what’s more it keeps us on our toes clothing wise… Shall I pop on a linen dress today or find my woolly socks?
Anyhoo, any heatwave. Although spirit lifting, it does hold a few problems for me as I’m a bit of a sweater, yes I have leaky armpits. Well one actually, it has a mind of its own and can cause some serious wardrobe decision making at times. You see, if I’m off to give a talk, see a client or engage in some activity that requires a medium amount of movement, I do have to consider the following:
- Will I have to raise my hand, aka, am I going to have to reveal a possible sweaty pit?
- Will there be air-conditioning? This is a life-saver at times!
- Can my armpits breathe in this garment /fabric so I don’t start smelling a little funky? As you may well be aware, some synthetic fabrics are great at collecting and storing whiffs.
- Is this garment prone to going wetsuit on me; will it start sticking and/or going transparent and showing my very being?
These are all very plausible scenarios for a healthy perspiring person.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, get yourself some decent antiperspirant come deodorant and sort yourself out luv! Well, that’s all well and good but some just don’t seem to cut the mustard and have no longevity, plus, I end up with armpit holes on my clothes that resemble crispbread or leave precariously coloured marks and to be honest, some of them are full of god knows what!
So, what to do? I know I’m not alone in all of this, so is there an alternative? Well, yes there is actually, enter (drumroll) the dandi patch!
After coming across this fab product on Twitter and then having a conflab with the lovely Faye at dandi patch central, we discovered our mutual appreciation of all things confidence building and delivering the feel-good factor! I decided to give them a whirl and enrol some of my clients, whom I know also suffered, to share a potential positive outcome to our pit problems.
Now my usual demographic is women of all shapes, sizes, colour, background and professions but they are predominantly over the age of 35, so the topic of perimenopause, menopause and changes in health or lifestyle does come to the surface. You see, we are a savvy bunch (myself included here) that like to learn, develop, adapt and take more interest in looking after ourselves, as it were, so overcoming certain obstacles, such as feeling hot and sweating profusely in random situations, does come up.. a lot! Hence, the sharing of the dandi patch!
So here’s what we found;
For starters, I found them really easy to apply once I’d sussed out the armpit preparation (shaved or closely trimmed) and then read the instructions of what went where and how, resulting in uber added stickage. They also have a really clear instructions video which I've inserted so you can see how they work.
One of my lovely product testers, (Donna H), was amazed by how well they stuck even in the heat of Majorca during her holibobs! Plus, she said “I got to wear some clothes that I wouldn’t have worn if I didn’t have the patches on and they didn’t mark at all”. Donna also added that they were “really comfortable and you forgot you were wearing them”.
Justine O, also reiterated how she “forgot they were on at times” even after the initial weird feeling when you first try them and then went on to say, she “felt confident wearing short sleeves too.” “A natural alternative to deodorants in fact”, she said. Hear, hear Justine!
One of the chaps I’d enlisted (Nick W) to try the dandi patch said they were “very comfortable to wear” and noticed that there was “no odour” neither by the end of the day, and he was a big lover of the Lynx effect too.
Granted, they initially felt a little strange but that soon passed and I too totally forgot that I was wearing them, so much so that I went to bed in them and only realised I’d not taken them off until I’d gone to scratch hahaha!
I have to say they stayed on all day, no smell, no damp patches, and no problemo. I even did a presentation in them on a very hot day in a room without air conditioning and totally nailed it, which oomphed my confidence no end. I could even raise my arm to point at the power points on several occasions with added gusto. A great advantage for most office goers I think!
I feel the dandi patch would be great for anyone who might get a bit hot under the collar in stressful or nerve jingling situations too, whether that may be at work or even in social occasions. You could wear these on dates, out with clients, whilst eating spicy foods or even to go out pounding the pavements on personal shopping services, as I did, all very positive stuff. Wonder if they’d work in the gym???
Heck, you could even wear them for driving lessons, like my sister did (Vikki M). You know the scenario, sat in a close proximity for hours on end perspiring on synthetic seat covers and concentrating profusely. I can’t tell you how much she raved about the dandi patch in stressful situations and even noticed how much they really did absorb, plus, she even got to wear her lucky grey t-shirt which has never been worn on such occasions due to its magical powers of showing every sweat mark known to man.
So you see there are loads of chances in our everyday lives that the dandi patch could prove so useful; not only in giving us that extra bit of confidence when we need it, but also saving us from the embarrassment we endure and the restricted clothing choices we make.
Also, if it’s good enough to get mentioned in countless magazines and has been on the telly, you don’t just need to take my word for it… hurrah! So why not give them ago because they might just be the answer to your perspiration problems! You can get 15% off your first purchase with my personal discount code using either this link or by entering 'ImageTree15' in the discount box at checkout.
On that note, I’d love to leave you with the lovely Donna’s quote to show it’s always good to try new things….
“The only downside is I needed them 30 years ago, I had awful problems in my youth”
Thank you, Donna, your message is received loud and clear!
For further information regarding Sara Marsden-Shreeve and her Image Consultancy & Coaching services at The Image Tree, please feel free to email her or check out her website and social media platforms, where she’ll be happy to advise and share the #StyleLove #ColourLove and #BodyLove.
Learn to Rock What You’ve Already Got!
Connect with Sara from The Image Tree: