7 Super Awkward Moments and How to Avoid Them

Aren’t awkward moments the worst, but at the same time, they do make good laughs afterwards! Still, we would far prefer to laugh at other people’s misfortunes rather our own. In celebration of Nation Awkward Moments Day here is a list of the most awkward moments that you will feel sympathetic for (and maybe laugh at a little) plus, how to avoid them from happening to you - if you haven’t already experienced them…
Waving at ‘your friend’ only to realise it isn’t your friend.
How to prevent it from happening: Always wear your glasses or get closer to confirm facial recognition before waving.
Trying to parallel park in town, whilst everyone in the café can see, which of course makes you worse! Now traffic is building up behind you, after taking a million attempts, you give up!
How to prevent it from happening: Always only bay park, even if it means walking an extra 5 minutes.
When you still can’t hear what someone is asking you even though they have already repeated it several times.
How to prevent it from happening: This is the perfect time to pretend a phone call has come through and make you excuses to leave.
Getting an ever-growing sweat mark on your grey top.
How to prevent it from happening: Use secret fashion accessories that stop sweat marks such as dandi patch.
When you ask someone in the shop if they have a top in a different size, only to realise they don’t work there.
How to prevent it from happening: Go for the safe option and only ask the cashier or someone who comes out of the staff only door.
Calling your teacher or boss mum.
How to prevent it from happening: Think before you speak or just don’t use names.
When you laugh out loud because you saw a hilarious video on your feed and everyone stares at you.
How to prevent it from happening: There aren’t many ways around this one I’d advise just embracing it and telling everyone they need to watch the clip!
We hope you have enjoyed reading these awkward moments and we are sure there will be at least be a few on this list that you have experience! If you have any more, we would love you to share them below using the comment box…